One of the Girls

One of the Girls

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

That silly Ducky...

Many a month has passed since my last blog entry. Honestly, if I sat with a tape recorder in hand, I could have a non-stop stream of hilarious conversations I have on a daily basis with my child. In the past two days, Lauren has decided that naps are not a necessary part of her day. I think my heart rate just accelerated as I typed that last statement. Naps equal sanity in this house. No naps? Yeah, you guessed it.

When I went into Lauren's room to calmly (fingernails digging into palms of hands) to discuss the "no nap situation" she said, "Mom. I was asleep. I was! But my animals wanted to play...Ducky said..." And then I tuned her out. Seriously? The animals? Ducky? It's always Ducky getting into some sort of trouble. Who needs an imaginary friend when you can blame everything on your sweet lovey Ducky? The sweet lovey you've had since you were an infant. Damn duck.

So we're bumping along thru the afternoon today (just remember, no nap...)

L: Mom? I want a snack. (walking towards the kitchen and opening fridge) Can I have pickles?

M: No.

L: But Mom (little whine)...I want pickles.

M: No.

L: But Moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom (lot more whine) I. Just. Want. Pickles.

M: I. Said. No.

This conversation ends with Lauren sitting in time out for one minute for continuing to argue with me.

Lauren finds something to do and seems content and distracted. Ten minutes pass and the snack situation is still unresolved.

L: Mom? I still want a snack.

M: (taking her into my lap) How about a piece of that homemade bread we made yesterday with some BUTTER ON IT? (excitement gleaming in my eyes) AND then you could take it in the den and watch "The Music Man!"

L: Mom? What if we take two pieces of bread...and some cheese...and make SANDWICH (excitement in HER eyes now)! How about a GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICH?

M: Wait. Grilled cheese? That's supper. That's not a snack.

L: OK. Well, how about just a cheeeeeeeeeese sandwich. Not grilled.

M: How about a bowl of dry cereal?

L: With my piece of bread and butter?

M: Uh... (how did we get back to the bread and butter so fast?)

L: You know what Ducky likes? He likes FROOT LOOP SANDWICHES! (and she starts guffawing likes it's the funniest thing she's ever heard) Can I have a Froot Loop sandwich?

That Ducky...


Jen said...

Let the debating begin! My mom always said I was the world's best debater when it came to getting my way. :-)

Beth said...

She can debate--I got a taste of that a few months ago. Man, she is gooood! My boys just look at her with wide eyed wonder.

Then again, maybe it's just the pixie dust.