One of the Girls

One of the Girls

Saturday, January 30, 2010

A History Lesson by Lauren Reeves

Yesterday afternoon I picked Lauren up from school and as usual, asked her what she did that day and what they talked about. I had NO IDEA I was about to get a history lesson on holidays in February...

M: Did you have a good day at school?

L: Yes.

M: What did you all talk about today?

L: Well on Valentine's Day lots of people died.

M: Who died? (not quite prepared for THAT bit of history)

L: Those people. A long, long time ago. They died on Valentine's Day.

M: OH! The Valentine's Day Massacre? (what the HECK did Ms. Carrie teach them??)

L: Yeah. That.

M: Yes, that's true. Lots of people did die.

L: Yeah, and now they are on coins and stuff. Like the quarter and the penny.

M: The WHAT? (*commence racing mind to figure out what in the world she's talking about*)

L: The coins. You know, money. The quarter and the penny. They are on those.

M: Ohhhhhhhhhhhh...Washington and Lincoln?

L: Yes. Them.

M: I see. Wow, that's really interesting.

Oh how easily information gets jumbled in a little ones head. I had no idea that Presidents' Day and Valentine's Day were somehow...related?

And there you have it. A history lesson by Lauren Reeves.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Lesson on Pollen

Lauren has been happily playing in the playroom all morning while I've been working on the computer (managing blogs and Etsy shops can be quite time-consuming!). I can typically expect visits from Lauren every 30 minutes or so. Just checking in, or requesting a drink, showing me a piece of art, asking me a question, etc. Sometimes I feel like her visits are just attempts to scramble my brain and keep me on my toes.

Enter Lauren.

L: Mom? Is pollen a berry?

M: really, it's uh... (frantically wanting to look up P-O-L-L-E-N on the internet so I can have a definitive answer)

L: Well, pollen can be a musical instrument.

M: A what? (commence rapid blinking and confused look)

L: A guitar has flowers on it.

M: *more blinking* OK... (I swear I really am trying to keep up with this thought process)

L: ...and well the flowers kinda smell like pollen...

M: *silence* (I got nothin')

L: Pollen can get you sick if you smell too much of it.

M: Yes, I suppose that's true...


Exit Lauren.

Success. Brain scrambled.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Art of Multi-tasking by Lauren Reeves

Scene opens with Lauren walking down the hall wearing nothing but a shirt (bare bottom)...

L: Mom? Where's your floss?

M: *blink* Where are your pants?

L: Where is your floss?

M: Lauren! Why don't you have any pants on?


M: Allright then why do you need floss? *bracing myself for the answer*


So there you have it. My little multi-tasker...flossing and pooping at the same time - well, if she could've found the floss.